Frontend to DevOps - Committing my journey


3 min read

Recently , there was a domain switch on my career and I got into DevOps from front-end . I had quite a lot of discussions on whether I needed to go for it or stay on front-end . After those long hours of phone calls , I decided to go for it.

It was a bit scary at the beginning , but eventually over the days, I got impressed over the technologies and started loving the process.

I commit to post whatever I learn starting today , would definitely love your feedbacks on this.

Here is a link to my Github - repository for this 100 days devops-journey

Everything I say , is based on a little research over the topics and my take away from those researches , I would definitely love feedbacks, suggestions and comments from you.

Okay , Now first of all , What is DevOps and what does a DevOps engineer do ?

In literal terms , it is the combination of Development and (IT) Operations , the DevOps engineer would have lots of things to do on his plate.

From a frontend to DevOps engineer I felt , when working on frontend I was working on the project , but when I was working on DevOps , I get to see the full picture of the project.

What is the database , What is the messaging system , how it is deployed , where it is deployed , how each micro-services (as of now , we can think of micro-services as frontend, backend ,databases but they are much more), interact with each other , how updating the project does not have any downtime and works smooth , How the project literally works and so much more.

That is the idea, you get the whole picture of the entire project you work on instead of focusing on any one service . So you get to get familiar with all the applications.

The engineer would also need to monitor everything , whether everything works fine.

Stepping back

A general problem in the lifecycle of a project is when the environment of the development and the Production are not the same, it creates dependency issues and compatibility issues. So, Containers came into play , where everything related to the project including dependencies , are placed into a container . This isolates the whole application and can be run independently.

Docker is one of the greatest tools , Docker converts everything to an image, simply put, the image will have everything set up . Running a docker image , creates a container which is the running environment.

Docker containers also helps in scaling but how ? ๐Ÿ˜„ Think about it.

That is for the next blog.

Docker is more exciting and interesting than what I just said, so hold on, stay with me as we get to know docker more and DevOps even more.

Okay Then , Will get back Tomorrow with a deeper look on docker!

Peace be upon you!

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